"Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread roots into the very depth of your heart. Confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You REALLY wanna know how geeky I am?

WARNING: This post will involve links about Space Travel and my thoughts on Technological Advances/Prophecies. If you don't give a shit, or it scares you, go back to your Facebook-ing, please. 


Aaand if you haven't heard about this yet, shame on you:

Or this:

Tell me that shit's not exciting.  Honestly, I completely agree with Hawking's belief that in order for the human race to survive, a good chunk of us need to expand and inhabit other planets before this one's destroyed by the dumb-fucks that think they run it. 

I don't know about you, but if I had the money (which I eventually will), I would be first in line to get the hell outta here and explore/set up on some other planet. I know I'm a sci-fi geek, but I'm also serious. I'm all about going into the unknown. I know it wouldn't be as cool as Serenity or Buck Rogers, but, hell. Someone's gotta do something.  

This is going in a good direction. Space Exploration is so competitive that the price will go down quickly. It has already gone down from a couple million for Suborbital Space Flight to just over 100 grand. How much longer until there's a commercial liner that takes a whole grade of High School students at a reasonable price?

There's a lot of things I plan on doing in my lifetime, and with all of the new leaps taken in technology, my lifespan could easily double before I hit 45. And then imagine the new door of possibilities that would open when you have a longer time to experience it.  As a self-proclaimed technophile, the Singularity is something I hope will be reached in my lifetime. 

I'm not trying to get all prophetic on ya, but Science Fiction is becoming non-fiction. And it's freakin sweet.

Obviously, I have begun writing my Sci-Fi Novel again. Sweet, sweet relief.

~Pusher. Of. Pens.~

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