"Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread roots into the very depth of your heart. Confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, February 6, 2010

All right, LOOK. (Warning: Mini-Rant. That's ALL it is.)

Something I wrote as a Facebook status:

"Absence makes the claws grow longer, the fangs sharper, the sarcasm venomous. Tread lightly."

Cute, right? I thought so. But why did I say that? I'm sure a few of you have your own interpretations, and some don't even know what the word "venomous" means, and that's okay.

Let me just say this:

I am a person that's all about the various forms of communication available to us today. We are NOT in the 1800's when all we could do was send a messenger out with a piece of paper and hope they got there before the milk spoiled. We have telephones, mobile phones, computers, and we STILL have letters that get to people a helluva lot sooner than a fortnight. And if you don't like to talk on your phone, you can Text. On the same phone that is in your hand. You can shoot emails, short messages on networking sites to get to a person. More than ever, our ability to get a message or converse with someone is absolutely possible.

So please, Fucking Use It.

~Pusher. Of. Pens.~

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