"Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread roots into the very depth of your heart. Confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What have I just done?

I'm not sure how this happened, but I was suddenly curious about blogs, blogging, bloggers, blog sites; the 5 W's and the H. I had already read a few of them myself to pass the time when I should definitely be working on my current novel/short story/anthology/miniseries/screenplay(?), and I have a personal blog on my MySpace page that I update only when big things happen.

So I figured, why not create one? Write your musings, thoughts, opinions, and other synonyms. It's a great way to excuse myself from continuing any writing projects I have right now.

*I am a firm believer that the internet was created to distract well-meaning creative brains like myself from finishing (or starting, for that matter) the work I planned on doing.*

But if I look at it positively, I guess I initially started this whole thing because I needed to get myself into the habit of writing everyday. Even if it has nothing to do with my novels, I need to be in Scribe mode, and perhaps it would open up my internal Muse box, and trick it into giving me an idea.

*There's that saying, "Never let your well run dry," and that was exactly what I let happen. Bad girl-who-thinks-she's-a-writer. Bad.*

So here. Hi. Read if you want. Some of it might be boring. Some of it might be interesting. Maybe even funny. And perhaps, who knows? I might even form a niche through this trial-and-error-i-can't-believe-I-started-a-freaking-blog phase.

!!Tip of the Day!!: Drink green tea. The antioxidants and the metabolism boost will do ya good.

~Yep. Pusher of Pens.~

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