Have you ever thought, perhaps, just for a teeny second, that things would be easier if you didn't have so many choices? I mean, think about it. We can easily spend 10 minutes in the toothpaste aisle deciding between a gel or a paste, one with whitener with extra fluoride, or one that whitens and tastes like baking soda, one that is green, or white, spearmint, wintermint, and some random berry flavor, and either a plastic tube, or a pump. All for a two minute job in the morning and evening.
Or what about body wash? Toothbrushes? (Soft, medium, hard bristles? Ergonomic grip for those with carpal tunnel?) Razors? Canned vegetables? *sigh* Don't get me started.
But I'm not talking about the usually daunting task of grocery shopping for the overly cerebral (like me), I'm actually only referring to my own abilities. Here's what I mean:
I started out going to UofM auditioning for Musical Theatre. When that didn't pan out, I thought about Journalism. I left the school, and considered becoming a Paralegal, and a Private Investigator. I joined bands to become a Rock Star. I began reading up on Technology and considered a career in IT. I began teaching myself a programming language and messed around with computers. I considered the CIA for 3 years in high school. I decided on becoming a writer about 2 years ago, all the while looking up Interior Design and Event Planning. I thought about Culinary School as well, and am strongly considering getting a Masters in Library Science.
And now, here I am, reconsidering again. For... (drumroll please)... Advertising. You know, copywriting, mostly, but being the brainchild behind the successful implementation of a brand or cause in general. (It didn't come out of nowhere, Advertising has always been a possibility with me, I just didn't think I could cut it)
Now, I know everyone goes through these phases of looking at the possibilities, but aren't those desires supposed to fade away when you hone in on something that you know works for you? I mean, even just a little bit?
I was reading up on brain dominance, and remembered the quiz I took on FB that said that I had a balanced brain (Now, it is by no means a reliable source to cite, but, well, this is a blog. So biased writing calls for unreliable sources.). Now this sounds great, right? It means, I have the ability to solve problems using both hemispheres of my brain making me that much more creative during the process. However, it can make me quite indecisive, especially in the realm of choosing a career, because I am good at so many things...or at least, have a strong interest in so many things. It makes total sense!
So my problem is this: I really really want to be an author/singer/musician/private investigator/librarian/computer genius/scientist/dancer/copywriter. And anthropologist. And none of these wants have lessened, or died down for another to shine in any way. And for me to feel truly happy, I want/need all or most of these things to be happening in my life, because I have a constant feeling of missing out on something if they aren't.
How the hell do I combine those into my SuperCareer? That's what I need. A SuperCareer. Does anybody else have this problem? Is anyone else as crazy as I am? I know you are. Show yourself.
*shakes head*
Like I said, a Hindrance.
~Pusher. Of. Pens.~
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