"Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread roots into the very depth of your heart. Confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hit the Ground Running...Like your life depends on it.

ABC News: Going Green to Make Green

Reading this article gave me a little bit of a good feeling inside.  I’m honestly really proud to be part of a generation that is a little more concerned about the well being of the planet rather than making big bucks.

Good thing making money will end up as the reward for being so selfless. -_-

But, reading this article also made me think of “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. I just watched it last week. And although I don’t really think aliens are going to come to Earth and tell us we’re killing it and then go saving a bunch of species except for us, (they probably wouldn’t tell us anyway) a good point was brought up:

“But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.”

And honestly, that’s exactly what I’m afraid of. I mean, really. There’s preventative medicine--and everyone’s all for that--but what about preventative environmentalism? I know I’m not perfect…I could afford to go way green, I’m sure. But at least I’m thinking about it. I know so many people who don’t give this planet a second’s thought. They take advantage of the fact that it was here when they were born, so it’ll be here when they die—but what about the future of everyone else? Besides, we’re on the verge of doubling our life span (that will be another blog, coming soon), so you might just be here to rush and save it.

Wake up, people. Start thinking smarter. We have so many options. And we keep finding more. I really don't think I'm alone in this.

~Pusher. Of. Pens.~

1 comment:

Rhapsody in PURPLE! said...

i agree. I try to go green, but that takes time to get used to. i use unbleached coffe filters...im trying...lol