I'm typing this from my iPod touch :)
Today was spent updating this baby. I can now download apps like this nifty one I'm using right now that allows me to post blogs from here. The keyboard takes a little getting used to, but blogging this way will help me to speed up the process.
This weekend is definitely going to be a gaming weekend. Loving Beau and I are spending all of tomorrow in our jammies and playing Dark Alliance. I'm ridiculously excited to do absolutely nothing.
I also downloaded my first podcasts today. This whole time I thought I had to buy any podcast I wanted to get. But I found a couple of really decent ones for free! One is on grammar and another is by TED. I'm always really excited when I find ways to use my tech gadgets. I have every intention of integrating them into my life. Without going overboard, of course, because I do love simplicity and naturalness.
It's all about balance, you know?
Alright, I'm spent. The main purpose of this post was to practice on this keyboard
*checks clock*
Not bad, only took six hours...
~Pusher. Of. Pens~
My heart almost stood still
1 year ago
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