"Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread roots into the very depth of your heart. Confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, August 23, 2008

If I could be any vegetable, I'd be a Parsnip. Heck Yeah.

Actually written at 10:50am::


So I disappeared for 4 months, because...I really didn't have anything to talk about. But here's a little something worth documenting...

I'm going vegan. 

“Oooooo....what's that?” Omnivore onlookers ask. 

Vegan: (n) A person who does not eat or use animal products.

I know, it's just so rare that anyone ever talks about their experience going vegan. I mean, do a Google search for it. Nothing comes up. I'm going to be the first.*

I wish I could say that it's going to be hard, but I really don't think it will. I have my lovely fiancé going vegan with me, and, well...we never really ate much meat. But the cheese...that might be a slight bump, you know? And the clothes...well, the more I educate myself, the better I can discern whether what I'm wearing or using is cruelty free or not. Besides, this is a great excuse to buy a lot of new stuff. 

But that is NOT my (main) motivation. I feel bad for animals and stuff...I'd be an active activist if I weren't busy wasting time on worthless things. I personally don't think people need meat to survive. At all. As in, EVERYTHING you need is in fruits and veggies, and...grains, and...beans...and... other foods without a face.

If anyone against my thoughts is reading this...do something for me. Look up the acai berry and tell me what you find out about it.  What's in it? Then tell me I can't live like this.

Actually, that doesn't really prove it, but look it up anyway. Because it's an amazing berry. The Brazilians are lucky.

Moving on...

I'm still an aspiring writer. I am working on two different novels. One is vampire-esque. Which means, it's about vampires. The other one is Sci-Fi Cyberpunk. Actually, that's the name of it right now because I refuse to title an unfinished work. 

Which means I have nothing titled. 

Kind of sad considering I've been writing since I was in the Fourth grade.

I am also contemplating just publishing the book myself. I'll have to do more research, but I don't want to consider myself an environmentalist and kill trees. Everything is read on the computer these days anyway. If anything, I would want my stuff printed on 100% recycled paper, but I would eventually want to go paperless, selling it all in PDF format, or something.

Alright, this was just an update to get myself back in the swing of things. Besides, I'm sitting in $tarbucks with my new MacBook** and this adorable baby has a scream like Aphrodite, or some other cool Goddess. And I have a pedicure @ 11:30. Beauty calls...actually, it was calling everyday but I kept screening because I had “better” things to do, like, nap, or... find wine. 

Someone just passed by me, and they smelled. Like...well, like @$$. And a convalescent hospital.

I'm outta here. 

~Pusher of Pens~

!!Tip of the day: Do yourself a favor and put a filter on your faucet, unless you buy Spring Water. Pharmaceuticals aren't my idea of fortification or enrichment, ya know?

*This is sarcasm. It occurs a lot in my musings.*

**I got a new MacBook! And Ipod Touch and Printer! The Ipod and Printer were free. I got the rebate back in 7 days. No lie. I'm in love.**

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