Originally written at 12:55 pm:
Shhh…I’m at work.
Just had a lovely lunch of cut fruit; watermelon, pineapple, honeydew and green grapes. See, this part is easy for the times I don’t cook, there’s always fresh cut fruit at the building’s cafeteria.
What’s also awesome is that they have the ingredients of their bagels, so I’m good to go. Wait. Is yeast dairy? *Checks online* Hell no, totally vegan. I knew that.
Really. I did.
Leftover cold Chinese for dinner (REALLY GOOD), and now I'm just passing the time playing the Sims and looking up Japanese Street Fashion. Man, I really love the style. Actually, all street fashion is just incredibly inspiring. I don't see that here. It's quite sad. Everyone looks the same.
So I attempted to make pot stickers Saturday night. The filling was delicious, but I know that I made the wrappers just a little too thick. I used whole wheat flour. And then I burned the bottoms of most of them, so the fiance ate about 1.5 of them and said, "It's good, but...It's burnt." So I have leftover dough and filling, so I'll just try it again, and maybe it'll work out this time around.
Lately, I have seriously had a taste for vegan burritos. Black and pinto beans...brown rice, salsa, guacamole, lettuce, tomato, corn... *salivates*
I've also been craving mashed potatoes.
Oh, side note: As to how I've been feeling lately since I've omitted the animal products. I honestly feel like I could be going through a very mild withdrawal. It was expected that I would have irrational cravings for fried chicken and medium-rare steak, but when I think about where it comes from, well...yeah. But I've also had less energy, I'm slightly irritable. I was researching some more, and they are also common symptoms when you take those things out of your diet, but then everything goes back to normal and you feel even better. It hasn't even been a week yet, so I know that's what it is.
Another thought: Something I realized about some vegans...for those who do not completely understand the diet, they end up stuffing their faces with pasta and egg-free bread products all day, and don't look like the vegans most people are associated with seeing. And that's what happens when you consume wheat gluten. It bloats the body. And too many carbs without burning them off is a problem as well. So I want to do this right. I don't mind having the occasional piece of bread, but I want our diet to consist mainly of fruits,veggies,beans,legumes, blah blah blah.
I really need to drink more water. I'm finally up to a bottle a day. That's just pathetic. I also need to start working out. But these things come in waves. One step at a time.
~Pusher. Of. Pens.~
!!Tip of the Day: Smile when you first wake up in the morning, and as soon as you go to bed at night. A genuine one.